scotland / ireland
from june 2022 spent traveling abroad (w/ bonus day in toronto!)

sf / la etc.
california road trip during november of 2021

cottonwood canyon
from a camping trip / in collaboration with dear friends in august 2020

two trips around oregon in the summer of 2019

east coast
two & a half weeks in dc, nyc, & boston in may 2019

no. 4
material play, vividly, over a few months in 2016

no. 3
material play, mutedly, over a few months in 2016

no. 2
bright & messy, over a few months in 2016

no. 1
small experiments, over a few months in 2016

two weeks through germany, denmark, sweden, the netherlands, & belgium in the summer of 2015

san francisco
spring break road trip in 2014

new york
spring break art field trip in 2013